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Ever wondered what it would be like if Harold Hill were played by a woman or Dolly Levi by a man? Welcome to Topsy Turvy! In our newest concert show, we take Broadway and turn it on its head. Come and explore with us, as our talented performers sing songs from roles in which they wouldn't traditionally be cast. You'll be head over heels for this great show!
No events at the moment
***** CAST LIST *****
Christy Alligood
CC Brewder
Connie Bye
Dale Bye
Reilly Carl
Arron Clark
Ross Eide
Zoe LaRubbio
Valentina Minoza
Misty Munro
Kate Pippinger
Shay Pippinger
Angela Reyes
Beau Ross
Heidi Watson
Maelini Whitehorse
Katrina Noble, piano
Directed and Produced by Margaret Johnston
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